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entropy: end of empire!
(The revolution will be televised! )

Will this empire fail?

"By the middle of the 3rd century AD, the Roman state was spiralling into bankruptcy. Romans were constantly at war, not only abroad but among each other. The middle class was under siege, and inflation and crime were out of control. Civil services and public works were falling into disrepair while commerce declined. Only the rich flourished under the new conditions of desperation."

Sound familiar?

As Western civilisation teeters on the brink, are we about to see another end of empire?

art piece for
entropy: end of empire
exhibition, Jan to Feb 25!

date month year

     live recording vid - videographer, editor

instAllati0n m1d tErm 2o23

48hr fiLm fEst 2o17 - d1rect0r

degrEe pr0ject, w1ntec 2o22 - dIrect0r, pr0ducer, wr1ter, ed1tor

mus1c c0pyRight DAteM0nthYEar



021 881 024


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